~people don't come over when my house is clean
~people only come over if you're still in your pj's at noon
~the phone will ring at the same time said people knock on the door
~everybody and his brother will call when you have company
~guaranteed some child will think said company has invaded your home and will become an instant cling-on
~various children will not behave as normal... will outright refuse to do something they normally loves to do
~the phone will ring again
~and again
~a little cheesecake goes a long way - especially when served in a mug to disguise it from said children
~a child's eyes and facial muscles will do really cool things when cheesecake is spied.
~one child will claim at 3 pm... or was that 1? that he has not had lunch and *nobody* told *him* it was lunch time
~your hubby will turn off the power just long enough for you and your guests to have no idea what time it is... you may think it's hours earlier than it really is :)
~it's easier to cut things out if you have your tongue hanging out
~cling-on will wake up from nap and glare at guests for still being there
~guaranteed one child will be in the bathroom and miss a trip to the mailbox with grandma
~fathers and children still need to eat even though mothers are having fun inventing important things
~the house does not clean up itself
~children do not claen up said house either
~my sewing machine hates me
~elastic hates me
~you will need a seam ripper
~my seam ripper is my friend
~you will need that seam ripper again
~projects always take longer than expected
~changing the thread in your serger will take longer than the entire project - except for said 'unstitching'
~thread will be messed up in serger... project will have to be smaller than expected.
~good times
~great company
~must do again
~baby will wake up as soon as your head hits the pillow.
~this does not stop head from hitting pillow, though
~good night :)